Computer literacy and internet knowledge test 1 / 10 1) Words and graphics appear on this part of the computer. Mouse CPU Monitor 2 / 10 2) Wireless networks are useful when computers are Connected Fixed Portable Non-movable 3 / 10 3) Are you capable of using standard word processing software, internet browsers and managing files on a computer ? Yes No 4 / 10 4) Using the Recycle Bin gives you a chance to get back files that you have ___ by mistake Omitted Deleted Saved Restored 5 / 10 5) When you save the following the data would remain intact even after turning off computer? Primary Storage Device Secondary and Storage Device Motherboard RAM 6 / 10 6) Which kind of hardware is used the most in the input phase of a computer based information system? Hard disk Monitor Printer Keyboard 7 / 10 7) Are you capable of using discussion boards and chat rooms online? Yes No 8 / 10 8) Which of the following are actual uses of the computer? For security systems To earn a university degree For keeping records e.g. student scores All of the above 9 / 10 9) Are you capable of sending and receiving e-mail? Yes No 10 / 10 10) An input device that reads printed text employing optical character pattern matching is known as Magnetic disk Magnetic tape Scanner Mouse Your score is 0%